Enjoy the comfort of the ATHYM men's shirt. A fresh and lightweight short-sleeved garment with a chest pocket and with bi-elastic SHELLSTRETCH technology. In addition, it is breathable, very quick-drying and with good resistance to abrasion.
https://www.ternua.com/com/shirt-athym-st-m-1481262-2101.html60036SHIRT ATHYM ST MEnjoy the comfort of the ATHYM men's shirt. A fresh and lightweight short-sleeved garment with a chest pocket and with bi-elastic SHELLSTRETCH technology. In addition, it is breathable, very quick-drying and with good resistance to abrasion.https://static.ternua.com/media/catalog/product/1/4/1481262-2101-1-CAMISA-ATHYM-ST-M.jpg82.95outofstock068.553718008264000https://static.ternua.com/media/catalog/product/1/4/1481262-2101-1-CAMISA-ATHYM-ST-M.jpg/Promociones_de/Vente Privée/Summer Sales2022-03-07T13:25:24+0000HombreTrekking Seriescamisa
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Shellstretch fabric is bi-elastic for improved
body adaptation, always keeping its ahape as
well as being hard-wearing and comfortable.
Designed to quickly absorb perspiration and
transport moisture away from the body, it also
has a water-repellent finish. Shellstretch fabric
is ideal for activities requiring total freedom of
movement. This makes it ideal for mountain
sports requiring total freedom of movement.